Lowkey Media and WebM Viewer

A free open source image viewer for viewing and curating images and videos really well and nothing more.

Works on Windows and macOS (Linux Coming Soon!)

Supports .jpg, .webp, .png, .gif, .mp4, and .mov files. .webm files.

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Version 2.3.0

Find V1 Here


LowKey Media Viewer is a fast and simple image and video viewer for macOS and Windows that supports .jpg, .png, .gif, .webp, .mp4, and .webm file types. Designed for a visually rich experience that puts the images first with no distractions. Supports easy navigation with Mouse and Scrollwheel or Trackpad modes. View entire folders in folder view with options for recursive image discovery, sorting, and file type filters.

Basic Navigation

The main design principal of navigation in Lowkey Media Viewer is that you should spend most of your time and screen real estate on your images and videos.

Open a File/Directory

When you launch Lowkey Image Viewer you will be asked to select a file. Opening a file, automatically loads the other files in the directory into the list view. You can also associate media file types with LowKey Media Viewer and open files directly. You can change files at any time by using the file icon in the Command Palette.

Using Panels

There are four panels: List View(Left), Detail View(Middle), MetaData(Right), and Tagging(Bottom). To open a closed panel simply drag it open by clicking and dragging from the edge of screen. To close a panel drag the border between panels back to the edge.

Using the Command Palette

Right click anywhere on the screen to bring up the command palette. This is the primary location of all controls and options in Lowkey Media Viewer.

Resizing List View Grid

To modify the size of the items in the list view grid use the grid tab in the command palette.


To shuffle the images you can either click the shuffle icon in the command palette, or hit the X key. Use the sorting options in the command palette to return to a sorted view.


Lowkey Image Viewer includes an optional tagging panel that you can use to create collections of images and videos. Tags are saved to a local SQLite database in your home directory.

Creating a Category and Tag

Tagging an Image or Video

You can apply a tag by dragging it to either an image detail view, or an image in the list view.

Using an Image or Video as the Tag Preview Image

Hold down the Shift key before dragging a tag on to an image to use that image as the tag preview. You can also toggle on the Apply Tag Preview option in the Tagging panel side bar.

Tag all Images in the current list

Hold down the Control key before dragging a tag on to an image in the list view to apply the tag to every image currently in the list. Or select the "Tag All Images" toggle in the Tagging Panel Sidebar.

Reordering Tags and Media in a Collection

You can reorder tags and media in a collection by dragging them to a new location. You can only drag media if you are sorting by Weight.

Selecting Tags to View

You can view individual tags, or combinations of tags. When selecting a combination of tags you have the option of viewing all media that has at least one of the tags selected, or media that has all of the tags selected. To toggle this behavior use the Filtering Mode option located in the Tagging Panel Sidebar.

Searching Tag and File Names

Use the text inputs in the Tagging panel to search for files by file name in the active list view, or search for tags in your collection.

Edit and Delete Tags

Tag names can be edited and deleted. Editing a name will update all associated tag assignments. Deleting a tag will remove all tag assignments. Careful, this is currently not reverseable.


You can view common file metadata, and transcripts in the Metadata tab. Some types of metadata that are available include, Stable Diffusion WebUI PNG metadata, gallery-dl download metadata, and standard file size metadata.

Viewing Transcripts

Use the transcript tab within the Metadata panel to view any transcripts which are located in the same folder as the media file. Transcripts must have the same file name as the media, plus be the .vtt file format to be displayed.

Generating Transcripts

If you have the whisper command installed locally you can use it to generate transcripts. Learn how to install whisper here.

Contact Info

Still have a problem not answered here? Send me an email and I'm happy to help! There is also a separate email for feature requests. All development of Lowkey Media Viewer is driven by feature requests from the community and updates are free forever.